We’re delighted to share the news that Traymate has rebranded and relaunched a range of new customer communications. Our new logo, identity and range of branded communications, including this new website and printed materials, retailer point of sale as well as branded merchandise, has come in response to market research in recent years that has allowed us to identify a very clear position in the market; offering truly innovative low profile (25mm) shower trays that give the end user a ‘wet room’ look, without the complications and costs that tend to come with a wet room.
Whilst our trays appear flat, by combining their unique Smart Water Management Technology with the vortex feature of the waste unit to create a vacuum effect under the waste cover, Traymate shower trays can clear water from both the Linear and Symmetry shower tray surfaces almost instantly. With no moving parts or traps contained within the waste unit there is minimum maintenance required and no risk of flooding if installed correctly.
As a leader in the market, we felt now was the ideal time to revisit the overall brand and marketing of the company, as we continue to seek growth opportunities, after being bought by Hartford Holdings in 2021.
The new communications are a very welcome reflection of the premium products Traymate manufactures and give a clear indication of the direction in which the business wishes to grow. Terry Wilkins, Managing Director of Traymate is very excited by the relaunch and is keen to show what Traymate is able to offer. “At conception, Traymate looked to offer something different to the rest of the market. Challenging ourselves to manufacture a 25mm shower tray and introducing a product that genuinely achieves such a low profile yet almost instantaneously clears water was no easy task. Having established a range of fantastic products, now is the time to ensure that this is conveyed in all we do and say – revisiting the brand, website and overall marketing was crucial to this, as we need our customers to understand our continued dedication to quality manufacturing of shower trays here in the UK.”
“We are immensely proud of the quality of the products we send out on a daily basis and internally all of the team are aware of what we as a business stand for. We have the experience and knowledge to help our customers put together the most compelling product portfolio and hope with the new brand that this is more easily understood”.
Despite the challenges faced in recent years, 2022/23 is looking to be an exciting time for Traymate. So, while the world will continually throw challenges into the paths of all manufacturers, we are clear of our growth aspirations and continued investment into the brand.
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